Seeking More Income?

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Sometimes investments just don’t cooperate. Maybe it’s low interest rates, the economy or your stock picks. It may be discouraging, especially if you need to stretch your dollars to maintain your lifestyle.

There is an attractive alternative. It’s called a life-income plan and it’s an arrangement that can boost your cash flow. One popular example of such a plan is the charitable remainder trust.

How It Works

You, along with your attorney, create the charitable remainder trust to fit your needs. The trust pays you income, which could be more than you currently receive from other investments. Then, after you pass away, the assets remaining in the trust go to the charity.

How You Benefit

Possibly receive greater income

Obtain income tax savings, if you itemize on
your taxes

Relieve some investment worry

Funding Your Trust

Appreciated securities you’ve owned for more than one year are ideal for funding a charitable remainder trust. You receive a tax-saving charitable income tax deduction (if you itemize) based in part on the full fair market value of your donation, and you eliminate up-front capital gains tax on the appreciation. If you are not able to donate stocks, however, you can contact us to learn about other giving opportunities.

Information provided by The Stelter Company.
The information in this publication is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor. References to estate and income taxes include federal taxes only. State income/estate taxes or state law may impact your results.

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