Arizona Charities: The Sun Health Foundation Receives Funding for Community Health Program

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The Board of Visitors, a nonprofit organization that raises more than $750K annually to serve the health care needs of women, children and the elderly in the greater metropolitan Phoenix area, recently granted the Arizona charity, the Sun Health Foundation, $50,000 to support Sun Health Care Transitions, a nationally recognized community health program.

“We’re delighted to support such a community-minded organization that is fulfilling such an important need for patients with chronic disease,” said Joanie O’Connor, co-chair of The Board of Visitors’ Grant Committee. “We look forward to seeing the impact this grant will have on patients in the years to come.”

The $50,000 will help finance the Arizona charity program, designed to ease the sometimes challenging transition process from hospital to home. So far, thanks to Sun Health, the Banner Boswell Medical Center, the Banner Del E. Webb Medical Center, and additional health providers, of the nearly 400 patients with chronic disease who have participated in the program, only five percent have been readmitted.

We are extremely excited about the success of this program so far and look forward to serving more patients in the future,” said Gina Ore, vice president of Sun Health Foundation. “The generosity of organizations like The Board of Visitors, enable us to continue to provide this exceptional community program for future generations of patients with chronic disease. The organization’s people are truly committed to the community. In addition to this grant, its team, also donated personal care items to Banner’s Olive Branch Senior Center.”

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