SURPRISE, ARIZ., Dec. 9, 2015 – The Sun City Women’s Golf Association, North Division (SCWGA-ND) recently presented a check for $11,300 to Sun Health Foundation in support of Women’s Diagnostic Services at Banner Lakes Imaging Center, part of Banner Boswell Medical Center.
The donation will help the center purchase a new laser mammography printer, used to produce mammogram films for authorized physicians, surgeons and patients who request them.
The funds were raised through the SCWGA-ND’s 20th annual “Pink Ribbon Golf Tournament,” played earlier this year in Sun City.
“We are so fortunate to have this group’s support,” said Steven Charney, M.D., physician director of Medical Imaging for Banner Boswell Medical Center.
Over a 20-year span, SCWGA-ND members have donated tens of thousands of dollars to women’s health causes, including more than $56,000 over the past five years to Sun Health Foundation in support of Banner Lakes Imaging Center. Funds have been used to purchase medical imaging equipment, software and to support special causes like the Pink Roadhouse Mammo Fund, which underwrites 3D screening mammographies for women without insurance or the means to pay for a screening.
“The staff members at Banner Lakes make us feel special and we are honored to call them our friends,” said Dottie Honsberger, chairwoman of the Pink Ribbon Charity Golf Tournament. “We are proud to donate to this premier facility in the West Valley.”
About Sun Health Foundation
For nearly 50 years, Sun Health Foundation donors have supported superior health care in the West Valley. The foundation is a philanthropic partner of Banner Sun Health Research Institute, Banner Boswell Medical Center and Banner Del E. Webb Medical Center, as well as community wellness programs and senior-living services provided by Sun Health. Learn more at