SUN CITY, ARIZ., Nov. 19, 2014 – The Sun City Women’s Golf Association, North Division (SCWGA-ND) recently presented a check for $10,700 to Women’s Diagnostic Services at Banner Lakes Imaging Center.
The donation will be used to provide 3D screening mammograms for women without insurance or the means to pay for one. The low-dose 3D mammography system produces high-quality images that allow radiologists to view breast tissue with far greater detail and precision than 2D mammography.
The funds were raised through the SCWGA-ND’s 19th annual “Pink Ribbon Tournament,” played Oct. 28, on Sun City’s North Golf Course. The tournament attracted a full field of 168 women and men golfers.
Sun Health Foundation, the fundraising arm for Banner in the Northwest Valley, will manage the funds.
“Community support here is just unbelievable,” Steven Charney, M.D., physician director of Medical Imaging for Banner Boswell Medical Center, said of the donation.
Over the years, SCWGA-ND members have donated tens of thousands of dollars to women’s health programs. This is the fourth consecutive year that SCWGA-ND has earmarked donations for Banner Lakes. Funds have been used to purchase medical imaging software and equipment. Last year’s donation went toward paying for a Hologic 3D Mammography Unit for Banner Lakes, the first 3D unit in the Northwest Valley.

Dottie Honsberger, chair of the golf tournament, and five other Association members, all decked out in pink, delivered the donation to Dr. Charney and other Banner and Sun Health Foundation staff Nov. 17 at the Banner Lakes building. “We are proud that we are still giving after all these years,” said Honsberger who has volunteered for the group for 13 years.
The donation will be added to a fund started by breast cancer patient Reba Mason in conjunction with Banner Lakes Medical Imaging. To date, “Reba’s Vision: Stompin’ Out Breast Cancer” has raised more than $19,000 to provide 3D mammography for women with no insurance or insurance that does not cover the screening tests.