Scholarly Support Nursing Scholarships

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Sun Health support for nursing education dates to 1980 when Sun Health Foundation donors began offering scholarships to students enrolled in the Banner Boswell Mesa Community College Nursing Education Program, then based on the Boswell campus. The program, which closed in 2013, educated more than 1,300 nurses during its lifetime. Since then, Foundation donors have continued to provide scholarships to nurses, most recently to current and aspiring nurses at Banner Boswell and Banner Del E. Webb medical centers. In 2017, a total of 48 employees from the two campuses each received a $2,000 nursing scholarship from Foundation donors.    

The Chapman Scholarship Fund

Established by longtime Sun Health supporters Margaret and William Chapman in 1998, the fund has helped hundreds of people achieve their education goals at colleges, universities and vocational schools in Arizona. Mr. Chapman was Boswell Memorial Hospital’s first board president. Mrs. Chapman was one of the founders of the Boswell volunteer auxiliary. Now deceased, the couple believed deeply in the power of education to open doors and improve lives.  

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