Outright Gifts
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100% of your donation supports the foundation initiatives
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Outright Gifts are donations made by cash, check, credit card or a matching gift. The contribution is made immediately from donors like you directly to Sun Health Foundation. This allows you to see your generosity in action. Many people are surprised to learn that outright gifts to charitable organizations, such as your favorite campaign initiative, can bring personal financial benefits such as a charitable income tax deduction up to the full value of the gift.
Outright Gifts are also the most popular type of charitable gift because of the simplicity and ease of delivery. All Outright Gifts are deductible up to 50 percent of the donor’s adjusted gross income. Any excess deduction can be carried over for the next five years.

A Potential Scenario
Joe and Laura want to give back to their hometown by putting their money where it will do the most good. They transfer $25,000 to their a newly established savings account and spend time deciding which charities they’d like to support. After researching community needs with the Sun Health Foundation staff, Joe and Laura decide on Sun Health Foundation (which they’ve supported for years) and the Animal Rescue League. The couple presents the charities with checks and are delighted to continue their personal legacy of giving.
This is only an example, and we encourage you to work together with your trusted advisors and Sun Health Foundation to determine the most beneficial options for you and your charitable cause.
We’re Here To Help
We want you to feel reassured that you’re placing your donation in good hands and helping to make a real impact. Sun Health Foundation’s experienced Directors of Philanthropy will help you plan your Outright Gift. Their role is to educate those interested in giving an Outright Gift and explain how you can benefit given your personal circumstance. They establish a deep connection with donors like you and explain the mission of Sun Health Foundation and the impact your gift can make on our community.
Where Do Your Donations Go?
Transparency in knowing where your donations go is important.
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Help raise the level of superior health care for you and your family, friends, and neighbors.
Make a tax-deductible donation to help ensure the future of superior healthcare for the growing population in the West Valley. Through Sun Health Foundation, 100% of each donation supports health and wellness initiatives that rely on philanthropy from the community to make medical advancements possible.